
bienvenue amigos!!


Wednesday, 30 September 2015

I'm back!!

I am so sorry friends I had to take a MAH-HUSIVE hiatus as I was taking my GCSEs (important stuff) but I am BACK and raring to go!

I now have 3 Blythes; a custom, SS and CM (Sally Salmagundi and Cadence Majorette respectively)

I am looking for a new Blythe, and am struggling to choose between a Milky Way Sugar (sbl), Very Vicky (fbl) and Royal Soliloquy (rbl).
All are about 100 dollars apart so the money issue is prominent for me!
But choosing a new Blythe is exciting for me, as I love researching them on Flickr, looking at their stock and debating which one to get!

Anyway, signing off for today, Violet!