
bienvenue amigos!!


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Who's this? (2)

Hello friends! Another installment, if you like, of this tiny series of only two parts in which I introduce my precious Blythes to you. 

Today you will be meeting my custom Blythe, who I call Delphine. 

She has lovely soft wavy blonde hair and a matted face. She has delicate freckles around her nose and peachy lips. Her eyelashes are long and curly and my favourite part about her is the gold sparkly eyelids. She seems to me as having quite the personality, and she is truly gorgeous. She's new, only arriving recently and I remember seeing her face on instagram and flickr and knowing that I had to have her.

You know that feeling, when you instantly feel connected to a doll? That's what I felt, and I'm so glad I bought her.

Seeing her next to my stock doll, Dalia (Sally Salmagundi) makes me realise how tangled D's hair really is....I need to sort that out!

The Frizzy Hair Conundrum

I think a lot of Blythe owners and fans are no strangers to the frizzier haired dolls. Not just Kenners, but the stock Blythes with an untamed mane!
My beloved Dalia has the worst clumps of matted plastic at the ends of her locks, and merely looking at them makes me weep. Not attractive.

I have considered doing the detergent wash on her unruly locks but I'm so terrified it'll go wrong. However I can either do that, or leave her hair in chunky plaits for life....
Not too sure which is the worse outcome.

So I am still debating as to what to do. I do love her tangly mane, really. I feel it gives her the personality that I've come to know and love. But this mess of hair is really starting to bother me....

More details later as to what I choose to do. But for now, see you later.

v m d

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Who's this?

Who's this?

Is a section I wanted to write to introduce you to my dolls. So today I will be featuring my first doll, Dalia (pronounced Dah-lee-ah).

Isn't she just a doll (pardon the pun)?
She's a Sally Salmagundi Blythe that is currently in her stock because I don't have any clothes for her.
She has the wildest of wild hair and lovely purple eyes with a skull in them....ooh argh me hearties!
I love her strong blush and lips, I really think it suits her. Her name is Dalia after the lovely flower, but I see her as having a reserved but strong personality, rather like me.

Thanks for reading loves!

v m d

New beginnings....

So I guess this is my introduction to the blog....

To tell you the truth, I don't really know where I'm going with this! But here is a basic idea of what I'm going to put here and my reasons behind this:

I am new to Blythe collecting and I love writing. I have seen so many talented people with Bythe blogs and sort of decided to join in. So far I only have two Blythes and am very much a 'noob' at Blythe but I thought that this blog could be like a diary of my successes and fails (hopefully not many) with this new hobby. Like a journal of mistakes, if you will.

I am fairly young for a Blythe collector (if you can call me that yet!) at 16 years old, but I will be putting a lot of effort into this blog and I hope my young age doesn't turn you away straight off!

So that's my basic intro to the blog. If this seems cool to you, subscribe, bookmark, whatever you do on this website I'm not sure!
See you all soon,

v m d