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Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Frizzy Hair Conundrum

I think a lot of Blythe owners and fans are no strangers to the frizzier haired dolls. Not just Kenners, but the stock Blythes with an untamed mane!
My beloved Dalia has the worst clumps of matted plastic at the ends of her locks, and merely looking at them makes me weep. Not attractive.

I have considered doing the detergent wash on her unruly locks but I'm so terrified it'll go wrong. However I can either do that, or leave her hair in chunky plaits for life....
Not too sure which is the worse outcome.

So I am still debating as to what to do. I do love her tangly mane, really. I feel it gives her the personality that I've come to know and love. But this mess of hair is really starting to bother me....

More details later as to what I choose to do. But for now, see you later.

v m d

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